What is Independent Living Philosophy?
The Independent Living (IL) philosophy is an alternative approach to the traditional medical/rehabilitation service delivery model. The IL philosophy promotes and encourages an attitude of self direction in consumers so they can negotiate and access the community services and resources they require in order to participate as equal citizens in their community. The IL philosophy recognizes the rights of individuals with disabilities to assume risks and make choices.
ILV adheres to the following five basic principles of Independent Living:
1: Consumer Control: the services provided by ILV are controlled by a Board of Directors with a majority of its members being people with disabilities.
2: Cross Disability:ILV addresses the needs of all people with disabilities regardless of the disability type.
3: Community Based: ILV responds to local community needs.
4: Integration: ILV promotes full participation of people with disabilities in the Community.
5: Non-profit: ILV functions to meet stated goals and objectives without a profit motive.